Monday, February 16, 2009

This And That From Baker's Hat (IV)

This photo has a feeling of fall in it, but it was taken at the beginning of the summer last year. I just like it for some reason. There's something there about the shades of brown and the random simplicity that appeals to me.

It's one of those that I look at and think that I almost captured it just right, but not quite. Every time I see it I want to go back and try again. And I like how it reminds me that there are often interesting photo opportunities right under your very feet and before your very eyes if you just look for them. You don't have to always have to have colorful and exciting subjects.

Now what do you imagine this guy is thinking as he climbed this vertical tinted window?

"Would you hurry up and take the picture already? I can't hold on like this forever!"

This following photo was not taken around the pond, but at a nearby lake last July. It is a wild passionflower. The wild passionflowers in our region are know as 'Maypops' which refers to the apricot-sized fruit they produce which has a rigid outer shell, but a juicy, seedy pulp. Stepping on one would be much like stepping on an egg.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Flying Valentines

It has been some time since I posted to the blog. Fortunately, Graceanne has taken up some of slack with posts over the past 2-3 months. Normally we would be posting a 'PhotoHunt' theme photo on a Saturday, but, considering the date, I thought I would post something a little different.

The arrival of Valentine's Day brought back memories of some of our favorite visitors during the summer. I have posted about them before, but I just couldn't resist sharing some additional photo's with you. From the moment I saw the first one last summer I thought of Valentine's Day.

These are Calico Pennants. Among the primary features for these dragonflies are the 5 markings down their back. The markings are often 'heart-shaped' and easily identifiable.

The red specimen above is the male. The female (below) is yellow or golden in color. You can see that her markings are even more heart-shaped than the particular male above, but we have also seen males with comparable markings.

In addition to the markings along the body, these pennants also have distinctive wing markings making them among the most colorful and prettiest of the dragonflies that visit the pond frequently.

The wing markings make them great subjects from any direction.

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all.

By the way. How do you like the new header?